Easy |
In my opinion I think that facial expressions are universal because people affect other people and to me people make other people have types of emotions. Expressions are universal because everyone in the world can make someone mad, sad, happy, excited, and etc., expressions are simply what type of emotions people have. But getting to the fact I am actually uncertain if facial expressions are universal I found a website actually its
Facial Expressions. It says that everyone has emotions but there might be a different way they show them so I am still uncertain about facial expressions. As I said before even though I am uncertain I am leaning towards the side where facial expressions are universal because thats more of what I believe.
Poly-1 |
First I had to take a picture of myself and it had to be from the top of my head to close to the end of my chin. After that, I opened it in photo shop to a 8.5 by 11 layout and size my image so it was equally spaced. I went to image at the top then adjustments and then levels and selected auto. To show the grid I went to view>show.grid. Then I locked my portrait so the image couldn't move. After the grid was shown I picked a color for the outline and I picked red because its easy to so on your face. Then I put a straight line down my face but in the middle of my face so when I stretched my image it would be equally parted. After that I outlined my face so I could begin making the triangles. I started to make the triangles around my face and make sure that they are triangles not trapezoids. I made the triangles big around my face and hair and I also made sure that when I got to my eyes, ear, nose, and eyebrows I added a little bit more detailed triangles. Trust me this is the most time consuming thing out of your whole project. After you get all of that done you start outlining your triangles with the polygonal tool and start selecting triangles one by one and keep on going to filter>blur>average. After you got that done then you trace your one side of your face and use command J to copy it twice. Then drag one of those layer to the side to make it equal and label one left and label one right and turn off the picture layers. Then finally go to outline then to color overlay and pick white. I saved mine and then I saved it as a JPEG.
Poly-2 |
For me I am most proud of my poly-2 instead of my poly-1 because the second time I knew more what I was doing. To compare I think that both could have been improved by the nose because I always have a hard time figuring that part out. In the poly-1 I didn't know what kind of triangles to make and how big they were suppose to be and just didn't understand the concept of it yet. In my poly-2 of my cousin Makenzie it was more vibrant and she had facial expressions while my poly-1 was really dull. I felt the emotion in the one of my cousin because it looks like she's yelling but in the one of me I just looked bored and not like myself. I think that I didn't know how big or small the triangles should have been in the first one because I couldn't see the image while I was coloring the triangles in and that kind of threw me off. Overall I think that the best one out of these two poly images was the poly-2 because as I said it was vibrant and just more expressive and I kind of knew what my image would turn out as because without the outline I can see the face and tell if it still looks like that person.
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